ICC Schoolwide Program

At ICCC School, we will be implementing Renaissance Accelerated Reader™ and our STEM Program Integrations at every grade level. Our Integrated STEM Program will incite Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Learning through interactive activities and projects that students at every grade level will be partake inside and outside the classroom.

Through our collection of the Supply Fee each student will be given an Ereader to access Notability and the Renaissance Accelerated Reader™ program and participate in STEM coding and technology learning. Students will also receive a STEM Learning Toolkit with a microscope and learning instruments to help them learn, discover, and design outside the classroom. 

Our students will be given an assessment at the beginning of the school year to identify their reading level and comprehension. Students will access their student portal to begin to read books that will build their literacy, vocabulary and comprehension. Students will engage and be challenged daily through assigned AR class. Parents, Students, and Educators will have access to data and reading analytics to track and encourage student progress. 


Kindergarten to Grade 2

Grade 3 to 5

Grade 6 to 8


Al Qu'ran & Islamic Studies

STEM Contests

At ICCC School, we will encourage our students to participate in the following contests and will be given time in class to create and design their projects. 

Grade 3 to 5 projects

Grade 6 to 8 projects

Additional information

405009 Accelerated Reader Digital Brochure.pdf

Renaissance Accelerated reader


K-5 Mystery Science Planning guide

Next Generation Science Standards Listing for Grades K Through 8.pdf

Performance expectations by grade